
Hello and welcome to my blog! Be sure and visit my website and take a look at some of my work. www.primedigitalphotography.com
I have a passion for the creative process, especially as it relates to photography. I feel a sense of urgency and excitement when I am behind the camera and I love sharing my vision of the world and the beauty of God's creation with others.

Jan 21, 2007

Punk Snowman

Here are a few pics of the snowman Jordan and I built this afternoon. The midsection was so heavy, we had to cut it in half with a saw so we could lift each section up onto the base. Then we "welded" it back together with more snow. This was very heavy wet snow. We used a broom for the mohawk, two spray paint can lids for eyes, a carrot for a nose and a large blue roll of tape for the mouth. We also had a little snowball fighting going on.

1 comment:

Stuart said...

Thanks for checking out my blog there Tracy, glad you like me simple little shots, do you by any chance have a flickr account?