
Hello and welcome to my blog! Be sure and visit my website and take a look at some of my work. www.primedigitalphotography.com
I have a passion for the creative process, especially as it relates to photography. I feel a sense of urgency and excitement when I am behind the camera and I love sharing my vision of the world and the beauty of God's creation with others.

Jan 9, 2007

Commercial Shoot

I assisted a good friend of mine on a commercial shoot today. His name is Chris Dennis. He called me yesterday and asked if I could help him out today. It was short notice, but his regular assistant couldn't make it, so I took a day off and lent him a hand. I really don't mind because he has helped me out a lot in the past. Chris and his girlfriend Allison really are super nice people and it's always fun to help them out with a shoot. Here's a pic of Chris at the annual halloween party they have at the studio for clients and friends. A good time was had by all!

I'm totally stoked! I bought a new camera over the weekend and it should be arriving tomorrow. It's a Canon 5D and it's going to be great to have more resolution to work with and finally have my wide angle lenses be wiiiiiiiide on a digital body. I have a senior portrait session scheduled for Saturday and I can't wait to review the images after the shoot.

Well, that's all for now. I have to get to bed and finally get some sleep. I was up untill 1:00 am yesterday trying to get my blog set up the way I wanted it. I must be getting old. 5 hours of sleep just doesn't cut it any more.

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